Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Sticking Together to Beat Cancer

In one way or another, most of us have been affected by cancer. While you may not have been diagnosed, you probably know someone who has. Whether you have lost loved ones to this terrifying condition, or you have friends who have lost loved ones to cancer - it is not something that any of us can hide from. In fact, it’s essential that we stand up and stick together, as long as there’s hope for a cure.

I’m reminded of a child’s fable. I don’t remember the name or the origins, but the message is strong. A father is distraught that his three sons continuously bicker and fight, and that they’re unable to stick together. When a dragon threatens the town, the three sons are sent off to fight the dragon. Before they go, the father asks them to gather a bundle of sticks and bring them to him.

“Can you break one of those sticks?” He asks his sons. One by one, the arrogant sons take a stick from the pile and break them, easily and quickly. “Very good,” says the father. “But can you tie the bundle together and break ALL of the sticks?” The sons tried and tried to no avail. They were unable to break the bundle of sticks. Wisely, the father said, “One by one, we are all easy to break, but if we stick together like this bundle of twigs, we are unbreakable.”

It’s the same with any seemingly insurmountable feat – from the small disappointments in life to things like cancer and the devastation it brings. If we stick together, we CAN excel. Marc Lebron lost his aunt to cancer, and soon after, found out that his beloved mother was diagnosed with cancer as well. She is a survivor, but once cancer visits, it leaves an impression that cannot be forgotten. That’s one of the reasons Marc will be participating in the Nations Triathlon in Washington DC as a member of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Team in Training.

His goal is to raise more than $2900 that will be donated to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. This money will likely go toward research…all aimed at finding a cure. If you donate, you’re not donating to Marc Lebron. You’re adding yourself to the bundle of men and women who are standing up and fighting this disease. Whether you can afford $1 or $1000 – you can be sure that it DOES and WILL make a difference. I ask you to visit his donation page and read his story, and then donate anything you can. Thank you for standing up for those who have been touched by cancer!

* http://pages.teamintraining.org/sfl/nattri10/mlebron

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