Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sandra Bullock’s Big Announcement: Her Adopted Baby

If you love Sandra Bullock, you’ve probably been heartbroken for her after hearing all about her husband, Jesse James’ infidelities. Just after her Oscar win, everything came to light – talk about raining on someone’s parade. Sandra has always been a favorite actress of mine, simply because she’s so down-to-earth and genuine – with a great sense of humor. So, I was pretty upset for her.

On top of that, the Razzies (awards for worst actors and actresses) were completely tactless about their little mishap. Just before the Academy awards, the Razzies gave Sandra Bullock the award for worst actress in Something About Steve.

With her ability to laugh at herself, Sandra showed up to accept the award. Just recently (in the midst of the whole cheating situation), it was announced that Sandra accidentally ran off with the REAL original Razzie award and not the cheap knock-off the winners are presented with. The spokesperson didn’t contact Sandra out of respect for her ‘situation,’ yet felt it was ok to announce it to the world, further adding to her embarrassment.

Now, we’ve just received news that Sandra Bullock has adopted a baby and in fact, has been keeping his adoption a secret for the past three months! Little Louis Bardo Bullock was adopted from New Orleans, and is perhaps one of the luckiest kids in the world. Not only is his mother incredibly rich and beautiful, but she has a heart of gold. Knowing that Sandra had little Louis at home as she gave her acceptance speech at the academy awards certainly makes her words take on a new light.

During her speech, Sandra gave props to the “moms who love the babies and the children no matter where they’re from.” Of course, she was referring to her role as Leann Tuohy in ‘The Blind Side,’ a woman who adopted a grown boy who was without a family. Still, we can assume that she was thinking of her own tiny son back at home. I think it’s wonderful that Sandra has a very worthy person to bestow all of her love to, and I think both Sandra and her new baby are lucky to have each other!

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